All tagged leadership coach

the secret to leveling up your life

Now, here’s the more challenging and not so simple news: there’s more to leveling up and goal-setting than technical tools. I got very clear about my financial goals and took all of the right technical steps to get out of credit card debt. I wrote my goal down frequently. I told my parents about it in hopes they would keep me accountable. I put together a timeline and game plan. I downloaded several apps to help me track my progress. And I still struggled to break the cycle. Why?

tips for rest for the overachiever

While at times I wish people would mind their business about my busyness, the feedback and concern from others is always an opportunity to reflect and consider how I can be a high achieving person AND make sure that I’m resting and taking care of myself. If you find yourself with similar thoughts, then here are my 3 tips for how to rest if you’re a high achieving person…

4 tips to help you network authentically

why is it important to network? well, because "its all about who you know." and as much as I don’t enjoy throwing that phrase around, there’s a lot of truth in it. some of my proudest career moments are, of course, the result of my hard work... but are also the result of meaningful connections with the right people in the right places. i'm grateful to my mentors and teachers who taught me the art of networking authentically early on, because I truly could not do the work that I do now if it wasn't for all of the people who I've connected with. so, if you’re curious on how to start networking more authentically, then here’s 4 tips to get you started: